A drawing game for on-the-go.
Cats are liquid! Stack your funny and weird cats.
The 'catomino' is based on a classic video game 'Tetris' but now on the Paper.
With the drawing template you can draw them endless.
At the end your drawing can be used as a postcard with funny greetings.
Makrele Games
Seokoh Hong
Making tools with playfulness. Trying to create a room for new thoughts and old memories.
Currently located at
Designhaus Halle, Germany
Ernst-König-Straße 1. 06108 Halle
A Nomad Designer, Korean.
Currently studying Multimedia Design(MA) at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle and studied Spiel-und Lerndesign (Indusrial design, BA) at the same university.
Don't hesitate and send me a message.
Happy to hear from you.